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Загадки на английском языке

Загадки (riddles) и викторины — это своего рода игры для ума.

Они способствуют развитию логики, смекалки и догадливости не только ребёнка, но и взрослого. Приведённые ниже загадки и викторины кроме всего прочего позволяют расширить кругозор в области английского языка.

В отличие от русских загадок, загадки на английском языке не совсем такие, как мы привыкли видеть.

Что для детей, что для взрослых – это обычная строчная форма в несколько фраз или предложений.

Это своего рода английский юмор, который для русскоязычных очень трудно понять.

About animals

1. I am green. I can swim.
I cannot jump. (crocodile)

2. I am green. I cannot run.

I can jump and swim. (frog)

3. I can run. I can climb.
I can catch a mouse. (cat)

4. I am grey. I can run.
I cannot catch a cat. (mouse)

5. I am orange. I can run.
I can catch a hare. (fox)


6. I am grey. I can run.
I can catch a hare. (wolf)

7. I am brown. I can climb.
I cannot jump. (bear)

8. I can swim. I am white.
I can catch a fish. (polar bear)

About Months

1 … bring the snow,
Makes out feet and fingers glow. (January)

2 … snows again
And sometimes it brings us rain. (February)

3 … brings sunny days and winds
So we know that spring begins. (March)

4 … brings the primrose sweet,
We see daisies at our feet. (April)

5 … brings flowers, joy and grass
And the holidays for us. (May)


6 … brings lilies and roses.
Fills the children`s hands with posies. (June)

7 Hot … brings apples and cherries
And a lot of other berries. (July)

8 … brings us golden corn,
Then the harvest home is borne. (August)

9 Warm … brings us school,
Days are shorter, nights are cool. (September)

10 Fresh … brings much fruit
Then to gather them is good. (October)

11 Red … brings us joy,
Fun for every girl and boy. (November)

12 Cold … brings us skating,
For the New Year we are waiting. (December)

About Christmas


1. What is white and made out of snow? (A snowman)

2. What is the end of Christmas? (The letter S)

3. Is it better to write a letter to Santa on the table or on the desk? (On the paper)

4. We dream about them all night before Xmas? (Presents)

5. We usually put them on, but once a year we hang them for the presents? (Stockings)

6. In what month do children talk least? (February)

7. Why can’t it rain two days without stopping? (night between them)

8. What is it that never was, never will be and yet is? (Today)

9. It is running night and day, but it never runs away? (A clock)

10. They stand next to each other and yet they cannot see each other? (Eyes)

11. What is it that a cat has but no other animal can have? (Kitten)

12. What is the difference between here and there? (The letter T)

13. A special Xmas song which is sung during Christmas time. (carol)

14. The unusual entrance through which Santa usually comes in (chimney)

15. Russian Santa Clause. (Father Frost)

16. Traditional Christmas dish. (pudding)

17. The place where the English children hang their stockings at night waiting for their presents (fireplace)

18. We decorate…with toys, glass balls, sweets, bells. (Christmas tree)

About Seasons

This is the season when fruit is sweet,
This is the season when school-friends meet.

This is the season when vegetables grow,
I come to the garden and make water flow.

I come with cold and snow.
But you like me and know.

White the swan is hatching.

Lives — lies, will die — runs.

The weather is cold. Usually it snows.
The days are short and the nights are long.
You can see snow everywhere.
The rivers and lakes freeze and we can go skating and skiing.

The wind is blowing,
The snow is falling.
When all is white,
Short day and long night.


It is a very nice season.
The weather is fine, it is warm.
There are many green trees in the streets,
in the parks and in the yards.
Sometimes it rains, but as usual the sun shines brightly.
The birds return from the hot countries and make their nests.

Blue sky is seen,
The trees are green.
The world looks new and gay,
Because grey winter’s gone away.

It is hot or warm.
The days are long and the nights are short.
There are many green trees and nice flowers in the parks and in the squares.
The pupils don’t go to school, they have got their summer holidays.

The flowers are blooming,
The sun is shining.
The rains are few,
The sky is blue.

It is cool.

The weather is changeable. It often rains.
The days become shorter and the nights become longer.
The birds prepare to fly to the South.
One can see yellow, red, brown leaves everywhere.
It is time for gathering harvest.

There’s mist in the garden,
The summer is over.
The trees are bare
And frost in the air.

About New Year

I have in a bag gifts
Caramel, chocolates
Round a fir-tree round dance
What during a holiday?
(New Year)

It’s blue by night, By day it’s white.
It is cold and not dry,
It falls from the sky.

What often falls and never gets hurt?

As beautiful as the setting sun,
As delicate as the morning dew;
An angel’s dusting from the stars
that can turn the Earth into
A frosted moon. What am I?

Fat and gay, on a winter day,
He came here with us to stay.
But day by day he grew and thined,
And so we brought his younger brother in.
(A calendar)


In what month do children talk the least?
(in February)

What man cannot live inside the house?

Higher than a house, higher than a tree — Oh, what can that be?
(The sky)

Until I am measured I am not known,
Yet how you miss me When I have flown.

My life can be measured in hours,
I live by being devoured.
Thin I am fast, Fat I am slow
The wind is always my foe.

Tool of thief, toy of queen.
Always used to be unseen.
Sign of joy, sign of sorrow.
Giving all likeness borrowed.

A precious stone, as clear as diamond.
Seek it out whilst the sun’s near the horizon.
Though you can walk on water with its power,
Try to keep it, and it’ll vanish ere an hour.

Neither on fire doesn’t burn, nor in water doesn’t sink.

Without hands, without feet, and is able to draw.

An arm points north, east, south, then west.
Ever in circles, never pausing to rest.
It passes its brother twenty three times,
As the sun passes by and the moon starts to climb.

About professions

A policeman (полицейский)

I wear a uniform.
I often have a gun.
I conduct traffic.
I catch thieves.

Я ношу униформу.
У меня есть пистолет.
Я регулирую дорожное движение.
Я ловлю воров воров.

A teacher  (учитель)

I use markers or chalk.
I work in a school.
I have students.
I give homework.

Я использую маркеры или мел.
Я работаю в школе.
У меня есть ученики.
Я даю им домашнее задание.

A secretary (секретарь)

I work in an office.
I make phone calls.
I send emails.
I make appointments.

Я работаю в офисе.
Я делаю телефонные звонки.
Я отсылаю письма.
Я назначаю встречи.

A cook (повар) 

I wear a white hat.
I feed people.
I work in a kitchen.
I cook.Я ношу белую шапочку.
Я кормлю людей.
Я работаю на кухне.
Я готовлю.

A stewardess (стюардесса)

I work in the sky.
I’m often a woman.
I serve food and drinks.
I’m usually good-looking.

Я работаю в небе.
Обычно я —  женщина.
Я подаю еду и напитки.
Я хорошо выгляжу.

Hairdresser (парикмахер)

I work with scissors.
I work in a salon.
I wash, dry and brush.
I cut hair.Я работаю ножницами.
Я работаю в салоне.
Я мою, сушу и расчесываю.
Я стригу волосы.

A farmer (фермер)

I work at or near home.
I drive a tractor.
I grow vegetables.
I have animals in the field.

Я работаю дома или возле дома.
Я вожу трактор.
Я выращиваю овощи.
У меня животные в полях.

A postman (почтальон)

I wear a uniform.
I walk or cycle a lot.
I don’t like dogs.
I deliver mail.

Я ношу униформу.
Я много хожу пешком или езжу на велосипеде.
Я не люблю собак.
Я доставляю почту.

A firefighter (пожарный)

I wear a uniform.
I work in shifts.
People in trouble call me.
I put out fires.Я ношу униформу.
Я работаю посменно.
Люди в беде звонят мне.
Я тушу пожары.

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