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Муниципального бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждения городского округа Балашиха
"Средняя общеобразовательная школа №15"
Аггеевой Анны Сергеевны

Четверть IV
Урок 11 от 20.05.2020г.
Контрольная работа №4
The 20 th of May
Final Test
1. Заверши предложения, используя is, am, are:
1) Len _____ a good student.
2)Mother Mary and father Jack ______ happy.
3) I _____ a pupil, I _____ not a student.
4) Missy _____ my cat. It _____ cute and funny.
5) Your brothers _____ not in Rome. They ______ in Paris.
2. Соедини эти английские и русские слова:
servant а. виноград
grapes б. апельсин
orange в. слуга
tulip г. студент
student д. девочка
birch е. тюльпан
girl ж. летчик
pilot з. береза
3. Переделай предложения по образцу:
1) It is a box. They are boxes.
2) It is a plane. _______________________________
3) She is a cute girl. __________________________
4) He is a cook. ______________________________
4. Расставь слова так, чтобы получились предложения, и запиши их.
1. is / granny / old / sad / and. Granny is old and sad.
2. is / Len / not / happy. _______________________________
3. are / in / they / London. _____________________________
4. can / they / a / see / cat. ____________________________
5. Заполни пропуски недостающими предлогами by, on, in, under.
1. Mary and Kate are _____ the street. They are _______ the shop. Kate can see cakes and sweets _______ the shop. They are good.
2. Kate and Rex are _______ the park. Kate is ______ the bench. Rex is _______ the bench.
They are happy.
6. Прочитай текст и утверждения после него.
Поставь + рядом с верными утверждениями.
My mother, father, sister, brother and I are in Paris. It is my father, Sam. He is from London. He is not old. He is a pilot. It is my mother, Jane. She is from Madrid. She is a good and happy mother. My mother is a cook. It is my big brother, Steve. He is a student.
He is not a good student. He is funny. It is my sister, Liz. She is five. She is cute.
They are in Paris.
Sam is not from Berlin.
Sam is a pilot.
Jane is a sad mother.
Steve is not little.
Steve is a bad pupil.
Liz is little.
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